Windows: after download, open a command line (CMD.exe) then CD into the download folder and type 'sfk' for the help text.In my tests I am splitting a testfile.exe that is 625MB. Splitting a File: Right click the file you want to split, then roll your mouse over the 7-Zip, then click Add to archive. Since the split files will be created in the same folder your original file is in, I recommend creating a new folder and putting the file you are splitting in it.PyInstaller’s main advantages over similar tools are that PyInstaller works with Python 3.5-3.7, it builds smaller executables thanks to transparent compression, it is fully multi-platform, and use the OS support to load the dynamic libraries, thus ensuring full compatibility.The Zip file format has long been used to compress and archive data. Instead, compress the files into one smaller, easier-to-manage file.The receiver will be able to open the file in the original size. Compressing the attachment will reduce the file, and allow the receiver to unzip. There is different software for zipping files. odt is based on the XML markup language, which is widely recognized by software, making it easy to transfer files between different programmes and operating systems. The odt file format is used for word processing documents. Convert your odt to doc files in only three small steps: Upload your file, choose your target filetype and click download.